Dying Matters Week 10th – 16th May

This week is Dying Matters Week.

Talking about dying isn’t easy, but it matters.

The Dying Matters campaign aims to create an open culture that talks about death and where people feel able to listen and support those who are planning for end-of-life, who are dying and who have been bereaved.

The campaign aims to break the stigma around death, to challenge preconceptions and to normalise public openness around death and dying.

Throughout the week, we will be sharing thoughts from our Bereavement Support Team:

‘Talking about dying does not bring it forward. We try and plan for births so why not deaths. Have you thought about who you’d want around you when you’re dying, where you would like to die, what you would like at your funeral? Having these plans and choices in place can give you peace of mind and help your loved ones and professionals do the right thing by you.’

Caroline Black
Senior Social Worker

Children cope better with death and dying if it’s talked about. Be honest with them, talk about illness, prepare them if someone is going to die. Show them that feeling lots of different emotions are normal. It will feel less confusing and scary for them. Our bereavement team has supplied some resources they use in their work with children:






About Dying Matters

Dying Matters believes in an open culture that talks about death, and where people feel able to listen and support those who are planning for end-of-life, who are dying and who have been bereaved.

The lack of openness in society has affected the quality and range of support and care services available to patients and families.

It has also affected our ability to die where or how we would wish.

We want to break the stigma, challenge preconceptions and normalise public openness around death, dying and bereavement.



To find out more about Dying Matters Week, click here.

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